Keep the Marshall clean


Manit Day means Cultural Day in the Marshall Islands. It is celebrated on the last Friday of September.


The ceremony of Manit Day was held in the yard of the reopened the Melele Museum. The dance and music were performed there.

今年は国連のWorld Tourism Dayとも重なり、JICAと観光局MIVAがスポンサーとなってクリーニングイベントが開催されました。メッセージは"Keep the Marshall clean"です。

It was the same day of the United Nations' World Tourism Day this year. JICA and MIVA, the tourism authority in the Marshall Islands, sponsored the cleaning event on the day. The catchword of the event was "Keep the Marshall clean".


The event started at Rita Elementary School. JICA volunteers and students cleaned the schoolyard.


Then JICA volunteers moved to the Delap Park and had a rendezvous with Delap Elementary School students who had attended the ceremony previously at the Melele Museum. They cleaned the park and the elementary school including the walkaway from the park to the school.


I really like the flag of the event. A JICA volunteer designed and made it. The volunteer was inspired by Starbucks trade mark?